Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Word for the Year, by Will

Last week I read something that rubbed me the wrong way. I saw something on Facebook titled, "10 Films Every Man Should Have Seen". Out of curiosity I clicked on it, and when I got to the link I read two sentences that, even thinking about now, really upset me. "Think you're a true man? You are if you have seen all of these films, especially more than once!" According to this article, I'm not a man because of the 10 films listed I've seen two of them, and of those two, I've only seen them each once. It doesn't bother me that I don't meet their standard of masculinity, but that masculinity has been reduced to something as insignificant as the films you like. Unfortunately, this view isn't too far off of how society defines masculinity today, and it has done great damage.

There is a lot I could say, but I'm going to skip all of it and just go right to the Teddy Roosevelt quote, "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." That is masculinity.

Masculinity is defined by action and experience, not vicarious living through action stars. Don't get me wrong, I love Gladiator, The Patriot, The Lord of the Rings, and Nolan's Batman Trilogy (none of which were on the above mentioned list). The men in these movies stir something in me that wants to be valiant and heroic, but I've spent too much time living in a fantasy world. I haven't been the critic pointing out where the strong man stumbles, but I haven't been in the arena. My face is clean, no dust, sweat or blood (other than the imaginary kind) on my face.

This past year I've started to really live. I've written about the white water trip our fellowship took, and on my own I did a vision quest. It didn't start out as a vision quest, but turned into one. Initially it was one of those things that I was called out on by a pastor friend. I've talked about being in a survival situation a lot, and he, who had pointed out the tendency I have towards the fantasy focus of life, challenged my ability. Normally I would have shied away from the challenge, making excuses for why I didn't have the time to do it, I tried that, but he wasn't letting up. And so on a weekend at the end of August I grabbed my hiking pack, and was dropped in the woods by my pastor friend with minimal equipment, simulating getting lost while hiking. I made a shelter in the woods, slept outside alone, and spent the following day wandering the woods. As I lay in my shelter that night God began to speak me, and it continued for the next day.

It was an incredible experience of God pointing things out in my life that He needed to work on. I've spent my life with the focus on "Some Day". I live for the future, preparing for it, hoping for it, expecting it, but at the end of my 24 hour fast/quest/adventure/ God showed me that I needed to surrender Some Day, and focus on the now. I have to get off of the side lines and get into the arena. I need some dust, sweat, and blood on my face, otherwise when I get to the end of this life my place will be counted with the timid souls who don't know victory or defeat. I've spent my first 30 years playing it safe for the most part. Timidity has ruled my life, and I hate it. I've admired those in the arena, and I've longed to join them, but my timidity has kept me on the sidelines, always with a valid excuse, but always a spectator.

That isn't how I want to spend the rest of my life. Be it another sixty minutes or another sixty years, I want to live differently. I want to strive valiantly. I want to spend myself in a worthy cause, because even if I fall short in that pursuit, it is still worth pursuing. I keep thinking about Jesus in Luke 9.51, "When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem". Other translations say that He resolutely set out for Jerusalem, or He set His face to go to Jerusalem.

My timidity comes from a fear of failure. It is rooted in a fear of not being enough. I look back over my life, and it is marked by limited risks, playing it safe, and avoiding real testing of any kind. I like to talk about certain things, but when the chance comes to do them, there's always a reason I can't. That's why this challenge at the end of the summer was such a big deal.

Jesus was facing a cross, the most painful and agonizing death that could be endured, and He was determined to go to Jerusalem. He was resolute to face it, and focused His full attention on embracing the mission He had to accomplish. He knew exactly what lay before Him. He had grown up in a time when criminals were crucified along the roads, so He knew what was involved. He knew that nails would be driven through His hands and feet. He knew the prophecies of Scripture. He knew about the beating He would take before the He ever touched the cross. He knew exactly what was waiting in Jerusalem, and He intentionally set out to go there.

Several years ago God gave me a word for the year. Off the top of my head I only remember two, 2010 was "Christlikeness" and 2011 was "Relationships". During that time most of what God was communicating to me focused primarily on that subject. It's something that I've lost sight of since then, but recently I've felt that God has something He's trying to communicate with me. As 2016 wraps up, God has given me a word for the new year. The word for 2017 is "Intentionality". The experiences of this past year have been preparing me for this, and I'm already seeing some areas where this theme is playing out for the upcoming year.

I want to be intentional about life. I don't want to live with timidity, never getting my face dirty by staying in the arena stands, talking a good game about how I could do this or that. I want to be the man in the arena, marred and dirty, but giving it everything I've got, achieving the goal or dying trying. The only way to get there is by intentionally getting up and entering the arena. I realize I'm using general and vague terms right now, but at the moment they're all I've got. Over the next year I know God is going to reveal things to me, giving clarity to my life as I begin to intentionally live life. Will I fall short with things, absolutely, and that's ok.

Jesus pursued the cross with determined intentionality, and it is that same resolution that I want to live with. I want to intentionally face what comes, living life to the fullest. I want to know that triumph of high achievement, and even if I don't attain it, I want to fail daring greatly. My pursuit of genuine masculinity is not found in the movies I'll watch in 2017, but by the intentional pursuit of God.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Untitled (Christmas Everyday), by TY

They told me He was the reason for the season, but He's the purpose of my life

My identity and everything I am is wrapped up in Christ (nice bow too)

So much so that when I am putting up the lights

I feel convicted that I don't embody one to a world in darkness w/o sight

DisclaimerI have no beef with Santa and all his elves

But of all the gifts they can give me they could never give me themselves

Picture ThisThe fullness of God and all His glory trading in his eL train-long robe

To be humbled to the form of a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes

You want to talk about condescended?

No penthouse suite, just a manger

No mass text or tweet, literally just a manger

The One who made the tongue had to learn how to talk

The One who made legs to run had to learn how to walk

He went from the manger to the cross

And anything less than perfect would be just another life lost

You see I can talk about consumerism and commercialism

But that's low-hanging fruit and we all know it

But I dare to pull out my mirror and put it into focus

I have nothing against parties and decorations

I hope that put a rest to all your fears

I'm more concern about what we do with the other 300-something days of the year

Monday, December 19, 2016

Weeping, by Aaron

Have you ever been in the presence of the Lord, and the only thing you could do was cry? I was reading Luke chapter 7 starting at verse 37:

“A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.”

After reading this story I kept asking myself, what would my emotions be if I sat in the same room with Jesus our savior? I feel like I would be overcome by many emotions, including being scared (Proverbs 1:7), overcome with joy, peace, laughter, and a feeling of being loved just to name a few. I also know that I would be overcome with many tears as I stood at His feet. Some of the tears would be joyous; but mostly I would be thinking Lord, I am such a sinful man and I am not worthy to be in your presence.

The woman is “weeping” because she knows that she is a “sinful” woman, she is reaching out to the Lord for help. The woman knows that she is in the presence of the savior, and has nothing to offer the Lord to earn His trust. There are honestly some days when I feel the exact same way. I feel like sometimes I get into this busy funk, and begin to ignore my duties at home including spending time with my wife, son, and not spending enough time with the Father. When I finally “stop” to focus on Him, the first thing that happens is that I begin to weep. I begin to cry out to the father for all the sins I have committed, asking for forgiveness. All I want to do is wash my father’s feet and anoint my Father with perfume. He deserves so much more than that, but honestly that is all I can offer Him. Nothing I can do will “earn” His respect or love towards me. There is nothing I can do to gain my ticket to heaven. My initial feelings at times when I enter his presents is, “why do you love me, Lord?” “I do not deserve this love”.

As I stay in the presence of the Father, Revelation 21:4 so often comes to my mind: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes”. “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” Jesus will wipe my tears away, not just some of my tears, but “every” tear from my eye. My favorite part of Luke 7 is the last verse: Jesus said to the women “Your faith has saved you; go in peace”. Jesus is saying that it does not matter who you are, what you look like, what SINS you have committed, He still loves you. All you have to do is believe in Him, and you will be saved. So, just as quick as the tears comes out of my eyes because He reveals Himself to me, Jesus wipes those tears away and says “Aaron your faith has saved you; go in peace my son.

God Bless You!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas: Part 3 The Meaning, by Will

What I'm about to say is nothing new. I've heard pastors say it for years. I've personally said it before on another blog I used to write. I've hinted at it in the previous two posts I've written on the subject of Christmas. The message of Christmas is to come and see what God has done. Christmas itself is a miracle because it celebrates God becoming man and living here with us. And when we look at the message and the miracle we arrive at the meaning of Christmas.

At Christmas, God did a miracle that would lead to the salvation and ultimate restoration of all of creation. Christmas is so much more than just a single day celebration, or an isolated event that we remember every December. Christmas is more than a once a year moment.

The Skit Guys have a video illustrating the meaning of Christmas. (

The video opens with two friends decorating a Christmas tree, and the one comments "I wonder what it would be like to be born in a manger?" The other responds, "Yeah, I wonder what ever happened to baby Jesus." What commences is an explanation of how the Jesus born in the manger grew up, walked on water, went to the cross, and lives in our hearts. One guy did all of that, and this mind blowing revelation inspires this, "Maybe we stop just making Christmas just this once a year isolated thing, and we make it an ongoing story about the salvation in our hearts and lives."

It's funny to think about, but honestly, it's not that much of a stretch. We celebrate Christmas every December, in the Spring we celebrate Easter, and the rest of the year we ...? It seems like we've separated Jesus. We have baby Jesus born in a manger, adult Jesus who lived and taught, Savior Jesus who died on the cross, and Lord Jesus who rose from the dead. All of them are the same guy, and it all began at Christmas.

Christmas is so much more than a baby being born in a manger. Christmas is God becoming man to bring His plan of redemption to fulfillment. God became man, not just to die, but to live. If the point of Jesus was just to die on the cross we have over three decades of wasted time. If the point of Jesus was simply the sacrificial Savior, He didn't need to do everything else that He did. But because Jesus did so much more than simply die, His life was about more than that. Christmas is about God being here with us.

Jesus was born, grew up, and lived life. The difference between Jesus and the rest of us is that Jesus lived life as it was meant to be lived. Jesus lived with an eternal quality of life, and as He did, He set an example for us, modeling how God would live life. At the end, when everything He was sent to do was completed (John 17.4) He willingly laid down His life to pay the price for sin. He died for us, but that wasn't the end of the story. He didn't stay dead, but rose again, and as He conquered sin, death, and Hell, He empowered us to live as He did.

Jesus was born to live, He died to save, He rose to empower. Christmas is the beginning of the story, not just an isolated, once a year thing, but an ongoing story about the salvation in our hearts and lives. Christmas marks the beginning of life as it was intended to be lived. Christmas is so much more than a baby born in a manger, it's about God doing the most incredible thing that has ever happened. Christmas is about God becoming man and living among us. Christmas is about the final stages of the plan of salvation.

What if we really did stop viewing Christmas as a once a year, standalone event?

What if we began to see it as the starting point of salvation?

What if we took in the reality of God doing what only He could do?

What if we saw Christmas as the beginning of a model for life?

Not going to lie, writing this is a little difficult because this is something I need to do in my own life. If this was the focus I had I wouldn't feel the numbness towards the holiday as I do. I wouldn't be focused on the gifts I want to give to others, or how the radio station plays the same 6 songs (different variations don't count) for more than a month. If my life focused on Christmas as the start of salvation then I would be truly in awe of what this upcoming Sunday means.

I want to live my life that way, or rather, I want to want to live my life that way. I want to be truly amazed at the message, miracle, and meaning of Christmas (I hardly ever do the words that start with the same letter thing). If this was the view we have we wouldn't compartmentalize Christmas to the few weeks of December. Nothing will ever make me want to hear songs about snow in July, or see decorations at the beginning of September, but those aren't the things that matter with Christmas. The things that matter are the message, miracle, and meaning, and those are the things I want to dwell on all year, because those are the things that matter most.

God did something amazing in salvation, He made restoration possible and showed us what to do with it.

God became a man, living among us, so that we could better understand who He is.

God did all of this so that we could draw near to Him and experience Him in the deepest way.

That is Christmas, and that is where I want my focus to be.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas: Part 2 The Miracle, by Will

The Message of Christmas is "Come and see what God has done." Everything fell apart when man originally disobeyed God in Eden, and God set about to bring creation to redemption. At Christmas God did something that initiated the final stage of the plan, and He did it by performing an amazing miracle.

In the last post I wrote I shared a song, and as I was thinking about that song another one came to mind, "Here with Us" by Joy Williams:

It's still a mystery to me
That the hands of God could be so small
How tiny fingers reaching in the night
Were the very hands that measured the sky

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You're here with us

It's still a mystery to me
How His infant eyes have seen the dawn of time
How His ears have heard an angel's symphony
But still Mary had to rock her Savior to sleep

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You're here with us

You're here with us

Jesus, the Christ, born in Bethlehem
A baby born to save, to save the souls of man

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You're here with us
You're here with us

In the 1970's NASA launched Voyager 1 and 2 to explore the outer planets. At one point they instructed one of the space probes to turn around and take a panoramic shot of the space that was behind. In the image sent back the earth is seen as a pale blue dot caught in a sun beam, roughly 3.7 billion miles away. God holds the Universe in His hand, and if you could see the entire Universe you wouldn't be able to pick out the Milky Way Galaxy, let alone a single planet revolving around one of 200 billion stars. And yet, this pale blue dot is where God decided to land.

Christianity is unique because it is the only faith where God becomes man, lives among men as one of us, and then dies to take the punishment man has earned. Christmas celebrates the God of the universe being born as a baby. The voice that spoke the universe into existence would cry and must learn to speak. The hands that formed man from the dust would now reach for a human mother. The one who breathed the breath of life into man would now take His first breath. The one who ruled over everything was born to die in order to save everything.

God became man, by becoming a baby. That is the miracle of Christmas, God was now here with us.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hungry of Full? By Jeremy

All too often life happens. I mean, we get busy with work and family, obligations and expectations, the usual stuff that makes everything flow. We have a machine going called life and it requires oil and gas, time and money. I have been challenged over and over in my own heart with where I am before the Lord.

Psalm 27:7 "A person who is full refuses honey, but even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry."

I ran across this verse several years ago and it struck me as so very profound even though it is such a simple concept, such a simple thought. Those that are full are not interested in anything more no matter how sweet it is, but those that are hungry you could give them pickles and they would gladly devour them because it is something of substance. Yet, I feel like I have been in just this position in my own Christian life before.

When Jesus came He came for the sick, the hurting, the hungry. He did not come for those that thought they were ok, were good enough or had enough. In my own life Jesus often shows up in the unlikely places through unlikely people. He may even come through someone's correction for something I am doing wrong. So how full am I? Can I receive what is bitter? Can I receive something that even feels hard or difficult? Do I feel like I have enough of God already and so close myself off to more?

This has been a personal challenge and in many ways a prayer of mine over the last several years. I always want to be hungry for more of Jesus. I never want to get to the place where my own personal pride and arrogance make me feel like I have so much and I don't need any more. It is in that place that even the sweet things of God are refused. I always want to be open to anything the Lord has, either bitter or sweet, either hard or easy...I want to remain hungry.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas: Part 1 The Message, by Will

I won't say that I've bought into the commercialism, I haven't, but I feel like the commercialism has made me numb. I haven't been excited about Christmas for several years. I'm a very big believer in no Christmas decorations/music/movies until after Thanksgiving. Last year the local radio station started playing nothing but Christmas music on November 1; needless to say I found a different radio station. This year I've been listening to audio books while driving so my radio doesn't go on anymore. But it’s the middle of December, Christmas day is less than two weeks away, and something has been on my mind for about a week.

Music is something that draws me in. I'm not a singer or a musician, I sing to my girls but they are my only audience. A few years ago I started working on a book, looking at the messages in old hymns, I wrote the preface and one chapter, but the beauty of a message expressed through song stirs something in me that I wish I was able to communicate.

Last week I saw a video on YouTube, a Christmas song called "Noel" by Lauren Daigle.

Love incarnate, Love divine
Star and Angels gave the sign
Bow to babe on bended knee
The Savior of humanity
Unto us a child is born
He shall reign forevermore

Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love
The light of the world
Given for us

Son of God and Son of Man
There before the world began
Born to suffer, born to save
Born to raise us from the grave
Christ the everlasting Lord
He shall reign forevermore

Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love
The light of the world
Given for us

Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love
The light of the world
Given for us

The part of this song that really stands out to me is "Come and see what God has done". Christmas is about what God has done. Man sinned, messing everything up. God immediately began His plan of restoration. Stage one involved Abraham, and the beginning of a nation. Stage two involved Christmas. God who was there before the world began was born to suffer and born to save. He was born to raise us from the grave and reign eternally as Lord. Christmas is the story of amazing love. A plan millennia in the making, unfolding for centuries, came closer to fulfillment on the first Noel (Christmas).

God showed His amazing love by giving us the light of the world. The star and angels announced His birth, and the world moved one step closer to redemption because of what God had done. That is the message of Christmas, come and see what God has done. That is Christmas, part 1.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

You're not, neither are they, and no one has to be, by Will

I'm not sure exactly when it started, but at some point during college I began to feel like I had to take the weight of the world on my shoulders. I felt like I always had to have the answer and people expected me to be perfect. I felt like I couldn't need anyone because everyone needed me. After I graduated and entered full time ministry the weight got heavier. I expected so much from myself, and I felt like everyone else expected it too.

The Bible says in James 3 that many should not become teachers because there is a stricter judgment for those who teach. This does come from God, those who seek to lead and influence are held accountable to the Lord of all for how they use their position over His creation. However, this judgment is not limited just to God. Those who seek to lead incur stricter judgment from people as well.

Complete honesty speaking as a pastor, I'm amazed at the things people have said to me about why they don't want to offend me. They feel that pastors have a closer relationship with God to the point where they can influence Him to make the lives of others more difficult, or even keep them out of heaven. On the other hand you have people that see you as infallible and perfect. I had already put so much pressure on myself, trying to live up to a standard that I couldn't attain, and honestly I was lonely. When you have to carry the weight of the world, unable to share how your feel or communicate what you need, you're on an island alone. It's stressful and it's a horrible way to live. So let's just get this out there,

I'm not perfect. I'm not infallible. I make mistakes. I fall short. I sin.

I know how people view pastors because I have viewed pastors the same way. I have had the privilege to know and learn from some amazing men. I am blessed to know a Sage (the final stage Eldredge identifies in the masculine journey, and very rare in this day and age) and being able to sit at his feet and learn from his sixty plus years on earth. But in all honesty I've put him, as well as more than a few other men, on pedestals, seeing them as infallible with no flaws or faults.

They are not perfect. They are not infallible. They make mistakes. They fall short. They sin.

I'm not perfect, they aren't perfect, and that's ok because none of us has to be.

A few months ago I heard a quote, "They were great men with huge flaws, and you know what — those flaws almost made them greater." The Sage I know has constantly displayed humility. Once he spoke on sin, and in the program had listed one hundred different sins. He said that he decided to pick the seven he struggled with the most and pray about one each day of the week. What hit me was when he said, "I had trouble narrowing it down to seven." He is a great man with huge flaws, but his flaws make him greater because they draw him closer to Christ.

In my reading a few weeks ago I found this, "Christians are not a special group of people who can be proud; Christians are those who are redeemed - and that is all!"

I'm not perfect, the men I look up to aren't perfect, and none of us have to be because Christ is. I do not have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders because God holds it in His hand. I don't have to be perfect because I have been redeemed by Christ. It can own my flaws because they are opportunities to draw closer to Christ.

This realization has opened up so much. I've been able to build deeper relationships with the brothers who write this blog with me because I've realized it's ok to need them, and that they don't expect me to be perfect. I've been able to have more opportunities to minister because I don't have to have all the answers but simply point others to God. It's removed so much pressure from my life because I don't need to be perfect, or even act like I am.

God is perfect and I am not, and that's ok.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Series Finale, by Tyrome (TY)

Confession Time: So I have been married for about four months at this point, but I have a confession. Before I got married and for the previous 12 years of my life, I have pretended that I have been the main character of my very own TV show. It’s pretty immature, self-consumed, and self-centered, and to be honest, I didn’t really care, I actually enjoyed it.

Each school year was a new season of my life. It started with “The Tyrome Show” up until my senior year in high school, the “The Tyrome Show: College Years” when I was at MVNU (where I met these brothers who make up the writers of the various blogs). Those were the best years of my life! Since I was only there for three years, the series only lasted three seasons. Then I took my talents to Chicago for two back-to-back series, “The Rise of the Falcon” and “The Falcon Rises”. The former chronicled my four years as a seminary student at Moody, then the latter, my life since graduation, which centered around my 1st full-time job at Moody and my struggle to find community, post-academia. Though I struggled through the 1st year, the last three years have been a huge blessing finding community, which led to falling in love.

After 12 seasons and four series, it is time to call it quits. Thematically, I came to the point in which the narrative of my life no longer has me as the stand-alone protagonist, but I am now one with my wife. Theologically, I have come to realize that though “my story” is my story, it belongs to a greater metanarrative about God. He is the main character in every person’s story. Maturity-wise, let’s be real. I don’t have a show, no channel, and no live studio audience who laughs at my jokes. I woke up, did life, and went to sleep.

So it was time for a curtain call. It was a franchise finale and an imaginary acting retirement, but in so many ways, that is what marriage is. What I mean by that is, ‘yes’, my life becomes no longer centered around me and me being the titular character, but life united with someone else as one. In marriage, we forfeit the “right” to be selfish and seeking your own good. You surrender to honoring God in sacrificing for your spouse. Men must lay down their lives like Christ in humble servant leadership and women in humble submission.

Marriage within itself has character development, plot twists, and reoccurring themes. It is actually a new series, instead of a new season. You must change. You must die. You must mature. You go to an altar, and lay yourself there. You offer yourself as a sacrifice, a living one (Romans 12:1). But that’s what marriage is. That is completely different from the previous life. There’s a new storyline, new characters, and sometimes a new setting. The tone is different. The atmosphere is different. For all intents and purposes, it is a completely brand new series. Which means every wedding is a series finale. But series finales are hard and emotional. The cliffhanger is, ‘What happens next?’ Your show has been going on for several years, and in one day, the trajectory changes.

Marriage is hard, but it is beautiful. It is one of the greatest displays of the gospel, which is why the enemy would love nothing more than to “steal and kill and destroy” marriages (John 10:10). It is two people making the decision to give their all to each other out of a love for the other’s good above their own. That is what Jesus did in laying down His life for His bride, to save us from eternal judgment, and we lay down our lives in submission to His will, as an act of worship for His glory. Love is the motivation! No matter what we do, He does not walk out on us, and no matter what life throws at us, we do not walk out Him. No prenups, just faithfulness and love.

We should all be afraid of marriage to varying degrees because we must think outside of ourselves, and not to our own interests and conveniences. As I got ready for the “Falcon Finale”, the reality of death & surrender for life & freedom became the dominant themes.

Last May, I took on a risk with no concern for a payout. I put myself out there to find what I never imagined would come, and it only took 28 years to find her. We missed each other on several occasions: SonFest 2005 (a Christian concert on MVNU’s campus), the Ryan-Josi Seibert wedding in 2011, our friend’s move in 2013, the CRU Inner City fellowship dinner in 2014 and 2015, and six years of her volunteering on Moody’s campus, while I was a student and staff member. We were both from Cleveland, graduated high school the same year, and came to Chicago within a year of each other. We had been on a collision course for ten years and finally met … and kids, that’s How I Met Your Mother.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Just Listen" by Aaron

Most days when I arrive home from work, I walk into a fairly busy home. My two year old son will be playing with his hotwheels cars, while my wife is doing some work of her own. I love joining my son on the floor to play with his cars or hearing about the day my wife had. Recently, I came home to an empty house because my wife and son were driving home from visiting grandma that day. It was weird because it was so quiet at home and I was thinking to myself “I have so many things I could do, but really the only thing I wanted to do is relax”. I decided to go into the home office to do devotions and felt the need to BE QUIET.

I turned on some worship music very low and really tried to tune my ear to the Lord. Many times I go into devotions with my own agenda, but that day I felt like the Father really wanted me to "just listen". It took about 15 minutes for my mind to stop wandering. Initially I was thinking about work, then what I needed to do around the house, then about my wife and son. Finally, after all the distractions, my mind focused and I could feel the presence of the Lord come into the room. I love this feeling!! I honestly feel like an ant in the room when I feel the Father’s presence, and I feel like God is huge. When I feel His presence it feels as if He just wraps his arms around me and holds me. It is so awesome!!

As Bill described in a couple of his earlier posts, a group of our college guy friends have started going on an annual trip to whatever location we decide for fellowship. The focus of our fellowship has been “the masculine journey”. We have been discussing the book The Way of the Wild Heart by John Eldredge. As Bill discussed in the last post, Eldredge describes six different stages each man will go through in his life. The first stage in a young boy’s life is the “Beloved Son”. This is the stage where the young boy wants to know that he is loved and adored by his father. When I was sitting in my office I felt the Lord was saying to me, “you are my beloved son” over and over. The Lord was telling me that I was important and loved by Him. I am not a very emotional person, but I started crying from the power and comfort that was in those words.

I have been so busy with work, family, being with friends, and keeping up with my own hobbies (including things in the church) that I forget to “Just Listen” to hear what the Lord has to say to me. Prayer can be either a one or two way conversation. To be honest many times for me it is a one way conversation, and I’m always the one dominating the conversation. I feel as though the Father has many things he wants to say to me, I just need to listen. I probably only spent about 30 minutes focusing on those simple words “you are my beloved son”, but I haven’t felt that much joy, peace, hope, love, comfort all at once in in a long time.

The Father is waiting for us to join Him. He has a plan for our lives, and it is a perfect plan. I love the verse Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. If God has a plan that includes prosperity in my life, hope, and a future, then I want to know what it is. The funny thing about the Father is I’ve never known Him to give you everything all at once. I always tell people life is like a puzzle. The Lord will give you the pieces to put it together, but only if you allow him to. We have to make it a priority to find quiet time to listen to Him. Recently I have been praying that God helps me yearn to read the Word and to be in the consistent prayer with Him. I’m going to start making time to “Just Listen”, because the Father has so much He wants to give to His son. It is my job to give Him a chance to do it.

God Bless You!!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fathered through Difficulty, by Will

This past June our fellowship took a trip to the New River Gorge in West Virginia for a weekend of camping and white water rafting. It was good weekend, though all of us were not able to be there, those of us who were enjoyed great fellowship and adventure. A full day on a river going through class 2-5 rapids, jumping off a large rock into the water, and good conversation over meals. I've come to really look forward to these outings and can't wait for this upcoming June.

My most vivid memory comes from early on in the trip. We were in our raft and as we came up to a rapid our guide told us, "It's a class 2, but you can swim it if you want." Aaron was sitting across from me in the boat and he looked at me and said, "Do you want to do it?" I was like "Alright", and we climbed out of the boat into the river. The guide told us to stay right behind the raft and swim, but as we started, the current took the boat and we just looked at each other. As we approached the rapid and saw the first wave I was thinking, "This was a mistake" and needless to say, it was rough.

We tried swimming and that was hard. We then flipped over on our backs, toes up, and that was worse because the water would come up and cover our faces. I tried turning around allowing the back of my life vest to block the water, but that just meant I couldn't see the waves and hold my breath before they hit me. I'd love to say I kept my cool and made it through the rapid just fine, but I'd be lying. If I'm honest, I was a little panicked. I was at the mercy of the river, having trouble breathing and difficulty moving forward towards the raft. Everything I tried seemed to make the situation harder. At one point I caught site of the guide in the raft and waved my hand hoping he would throw me a rope, but he didn't. Aaron made it through and back to raft, and shortly after I made it to the calm pool where the raft was waiting for us. I was exhausted, and Aaron helped me back into the boat.

We finished the trip with no issues. No one in our boat fell out and the worst injury was the fantastic sun burns Russ and I got (we ended up going to buy aloe that night so we could sleep). We ended the trip the next day with breakfast at Biscuit World, and then I began to reflect on the weekend. I began to reflect on that moment caught in the rapid wondering if I was going to drown. The guide saw me, his eyes were on me the whole time, but he didn't do anything to help me, and the reason he didn't was because I didn't need him to save me. He knew that as long as my head stayed above the water I'd get through the rapid and back to the boat safely.

I'm finding that God works in the same way. The focus of our fellowship is the masculine journey. Right now we're working through The Way of the Wild Heart by John Eldredge. We've all grown up in a generation that has lost the tradition of initiation, but it's something all of us have been longing for. In our mid to late twenties we began to be intentional about our initiation as men of God. We're looking for the things our dad's couldn't do for us because their dad's didn't do it for them, and we are determined to break the cycle for ourselves, and any boys we have the opportunity to guide, either biological sons, or spiritual ones.

In the book, Eldredge outlines the six stages that God intended for every man to experience during his life, and I've been amazed at how God has guided our retreats to fit the stage we are focusing on. This year we looked at stage 2, the Cowboy stage. This time is meant to focus on adventure and hard work, and white water rafting fits that so well. It takes work to get form the top of the river to the bottom, but it's an adventure to be caught up in the power of the river. It is at this stage of the masculine journey when initiation really begins. It is here that the question of "Do I have what it takes?" is meant to be answered.

As I've read, and re-read, the chapters on this stage in my preparation for the trip and reflection for the coming year (the retreats are meant to give focus for the upcoming year, and on the first night of each one we share what God has done in our lives since the last one), this section of the book stood out to me:

How much of my life have I been misinterpreting? How many things have I just written off as hassle or "life is hard," or even as warfare, when in fact God was in it, in the difficulty, wanting to Father me?

I'm not ready to go into the details of the past year of my life yet, but as I've stated in a previous post, it has been the most difficult time of my life. When everything began to fall apart at the beginning my prayer was for God to fix it and just make the problems go away, He didn't. I questioned His goodness and His love for me, and while the guidance of pastors and a counselor helped, it wasn't until that day, caught in a class 2 rapid, that everything started to make sense.

God could have fixed my problem right at the beginning, but if He had, I would have missed out on so much that I have learned. God could have thrown me a rope and pulled me back to the boat, but He didn't, because He knew I wouldn't drown. And while God didn't pull me out of the rapid, He never took His eyes off of me. He used the experiences of the past year to really show me who I am, and who He created me to be. He was there, in the difficult times, fathering me, showing me that I have what it takes, and initiating me into His man.

The process of masculine initiation is something that God has to do for me, and for about eight years of my life I thought it was happening. I had read Eldredge, even blogged through his books. I thought I knew what to do and that I knew who I was. But then everything came crashing down, and it's in those moments you learn what you’re made of. At that point I began to really get serious about allowing God to initiate me as the man He created me to be. I've come to see that you have to be serious about this, because it isn't an easy undertaking for the faint of heart. God isn't going to step in and fix everything, because if He did, I'd never realize who He made me to be. But I have come to see that He is at work, especially during the hard times, helping me to see who I am in Him.

God is present in the difficulty, fathering us, and never taking His eyes off of us. You will not drown in the rapid, but God isn't always going to through you a rope because He wants you to see that you have what it takes. He is present in the difficult times, and He is always fathering and initiating us as His men.


We're the back four, Aaron is back left, Russ is in front of him, I'm back right and Ty is in front of me, sadly Jeremy and Kenny were unable to make it on this outing.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

It's About God, by Will

When we set up the "rules" for this blog, we decided there was only one, everything written has to point the reader to God. I've been thinking about this idea for a while now, long before we talked about the blog. It's something I need to remind myself of on a personal level, and the older I get the more I am doing that. Back in October 2012 my grandpa told me, "The Church spends too much time trying to do the work of God, and not enough time teaching who God is." In my own life that has been true. I've spent nearly half of my life trying to do the work of God, trying to appease Him and make Him happy by doing things for Him, but that isn't what life is about. Life is not about doing things for God, but knowing God.

I'm in the process of pursuing a couple of Master's degrees, and this past week I read a quote that really hit me and inspired this post. "It is to theology, as such, a matter of entire indifference how long man has existed on the earth." The section of the book was looking at the genealogies in Genesis, and points out that are there to show a line leading to the Messiah, not a complete list of the people in the family tree. The point is not the people, but how God is at work through history to accomplish His will.

Man is made in the image of God, not the other way around. God is the creator, not the creation. Man exists to worship God, not to be served by Him. Theology is the pursuit that every human being is called to, because it is the pursuit of God. The Bible is a book of theology, it serves to tell us who God is. Theology is not concerned with the age of the earth, or the significant impact man leaves on it, because the creation is not the focus. This is all about God.

The Bible begins with God creating, and them making man in His image. There is fellowship and perfect harmony, and then man decides he wants to be in charge, and as he strives to make life about him, he messes everything up. God then goes to work to restore His creation, helping man to refocus on the proper subject. Nothing in this world matters except for how it helps me to grow closer to God.

I've reached an age where I've really started to think about what matters, and the more I do, the more I'm starting to see how everything pales in comparison to God. The older I get the more I'm starting to see the insignificance of the temporal, and I'm starting to put the eternal in its proper place. The book of Philippians has had a huge impact on my life. When as a junior in college I began to really take my faith seriously it was the book that God had me read over and over. The section that most stood out to me was Philippians 3.7-14,

But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

I want to count all things as loss that I may gain Christ. I want to desire to know Him more than I want to pass this class, have fruitful ministry, or live a long productive life. I want to be willing to sacrifice my temporal dreams and desires for the pursuit of righteousness that will draw me closer to God. I want the determined discipline to pursue God.

Life is all about God, and I want my life to be fully committed to knowing Him and making Him known.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Memories, by Will

Over the weekend my alma mater had homecoming, for the first time I went, and honestly had the best weekend I've had in a long time. I've been on campus since I graduated back in 2009, but it's been a while since I've really walked around. A lot has changed. There are new roads and sidewalks in places where there used to be grass. Buildings have been torn down and additions built on. Even small things like paint, decorum, and new furniture in common rooms. It's a different place than it was seven years ago.

One place I was eager to look at was the prayer room. During my last two years of school I spent countless hours in there, both alone and with others. It was in this prayer room that Jeremy and I really connected for the first time. It was in this room that Ty and I shared some late nights with God. It was in this prayer room that during January 2008 I prayed in more hours than I slept in my bed. It's a place that holds a lot of memories, and a place I was curious to see what had happened to over the past few years.

I walked into the Birch F lobby, and headed to the back corner. The lights in the small room were off, but the door was unlocked, so I went in. Immediately I was disappointed. I wasn't expecting much, but I was let down. The room that I had left upon graduation was one where people prayed. The walls were covered with prays, both written and drawn. A shelf had a CD player and soft worship music. There was comfortable seating, and soft lighting. There was a Bible I had donated (all that was in there originally was a King James), and various resources to help people focus on, and connect with, God.

The room today was mostly empty. There were a couple small couches and end tables, an old metal desk, and a dry erase board. One light hung in the corner with a burnt out bulb. The walls were empty and the room was cluttered. Aside from a coat rack behind the door that said "Prayer Changes Things" you'd have no idea you were in a prayer closet and not a storage room. The only sound was from the drawers as I opened them to see if the Bible I had left was still there, it wasn't. The only drawing was this,

I sat on one of the couches under the light and pulled out my Bible, and opened to the book of Philippians. I had spent so much time in these pages while sitting in this room. Philippians 1.3-5 says, "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now." As I was on campus, interacting with former classmates, and as I've thought about it over the past few days, I really miss those times. They are fond memories that I am so grateful for.

I miss those times, and I so badly want current students to experience them. As I sat in that room part of me wanted to get to work and restore it, making it a place of prayer again, but at the same time, I know that really isn't a battle I can fight. I'm hours away with no real connection to campus anymore. While I can reflect back on those memories, thanking God for them, and the people I shared them with, they are in the past, and I cannot live there.

Later in Philippians 3.13-14 Paul said, "Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." My life, my journey, did not end at graduation. Those memories of the prayer room are not meant to be the highlight of my walk with Christ. I can't live in the past, I must thank God for those times as they have served as a foundation for the future, but I must press on towards Christlikeness.

Memories are good, but they are in the past, and our concentration must be in the present, with a focus on the goal God has for us. He brings people into our lives sometimes only for a season. He puts us in places for a reason. Life is meant to be a journey towards Christlikeness. A key part of my journey was in the safety of the prayer room with good friends, some of whom are still by my side. But my life has to move outside of those walls if I am to continue towards the goal. My prayer needs to grow beyond those of a college student. I need to be ok that the room has changed, nothing will change the memories I have there. God was glorified then, and He will be glorified now.

I thank Him for the good memories of the past, but I must continue to press on, pursuing Him in the present, not living in the past.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Right Way, by Will

The older I get, the more I'm starting to realize that there is a right way to do things. And the older I get, the more I appreciate the right way to do things. Properly lifting saves my knees and my back. Warming up before stretching (and actually stretching) before exercise, and then cooling down and stretching afterwards keeps me from getting sore (I'm not as young as I used to be, which a few workouts have taught me).

I'm into outdoor activities, and recently I've been focusing on the right way to do them. The first involves fire. I'm a bit of a pyro (and I'm not just saying that because it's cool). During my junior year of college the press box by the soccer field was burned down, and the following day a few people asked me if I had anything to do with it (I didn't), and I was voted most likely to start a wild fire by the class council.

When I was a teenager I had a fire pit in my parent's backyard. It was about a four foot circle, a foot in the ground, and another foot of rocks piled around the surface. In the back of my parent's yard are about two dozen massive pine trees. I used to take a couple five gallon buckets and make two or three trips back to the trees filling them with pine needles and filling the pit with them. Afterwards I would pile logs on top and then strike the match. The flames were impressive, a four foot ring, twenty feet high. The issue was fire that intense is really hot. Even once the flames had died down to a manageable level the heat was still there, and it was so hot that you couldn't sit closer than ten feet away.

Now that I'm older, and more mature, I still like fire, but I want a fire to be useful. The above method works great if you need to signal for rescue, but it doesn't work to well if you want to fellowship with some people. You properly build a fire by starting with some tinder, then you add the kindling, then some sticks, and finally logs. You let it catch gradually and build slowly. The flames aren't burn your eyebrows off massive, but in the end you have a fire that will keep you warm and allow you to be near.

The second activity involves winter. I'm not a huge fan of snow, part of that is probably from being in Northeast Ohio and dealing with lake affect snow for months on end. I've been into hiking for years now, but always put my gear away once it started to get cold. Last year I decided to try winter hiking. When I was younger the key to staying warm was putting on thicker and heavier layers. And while layering is good, I didn't do it right. I ended up with a lot of bulk, which prevented mobility, and with all of those layers you're sweating before you even get outside.

I've now started to really focus on the layers I use, trying to minimize weight and bulk, and increase warmth and mobility. Moisture wicking base layer, followed by an insulating base layer, then my mid layer for warmth, followed by my outer layer that is water proof (which also keeps the wind out). This method involves a lot less bulk, less time getting ready, and more speed and mobility on the trail.

Yesterday, Aaron wrote about the opening section of the Lord's Prayer. When Jesus responded to His disciple's request to be taught how to pray, He said to them, "Pray then in this way" (Matthew 6.9a). The following verses outline the principles that are to guide the prayers of a disciple of Christ. He doesn't say, "Repeat these phrases" this would become a repetitious ritual that doesn't serve the purpose of drawing us closer to God. It's like a fire I'd light as a teenager, intense with the right material, but lacking the time that makes it really beneficial for the long run.

The model Jesus shares displays an order that is to guide the time when spend in prayer. It begins by acknowledging God for who He is, and inviting Him to have His way in our lives and on the earth. It then moves into presenting the requests we have to God, asking Him to provide for the needs we have. It then asks that God empower us to live as He would live, and treat us as we deserve based on how we have treated others. It concludes with a request for God's protection and guidance as we go through life.

Just like how there is a right way to layer clothing for winter activities, there is a right way to pray. It isn't about the words, Jesus actually condemns the use of repetitious and showy prayer (Matthew 6.5), but about the content and attitude of our hearts. It begins with humble submission to the glory of God, it invites Him to have His way, and then requests that our needs be met. It then asks for God's help in living as He would have us live. The proper model keeps our prayers focused. It is so easy for my mind to wander during prayer. It is so easy to focus on the wrong things in my prayer time. They add unnecessary bulk and hinder my relationship with God.

There is a right way to do things. God created the world to function a certain way. He created fires to be built in a way to be effective and not overwhelming. He created the science that allows for proper layering. He gave us a model for effective prayer. I've spent a lot of time doing things the hard way, but I'm getting to the point where the hard way is too hard. I want my life to be effective in everything that I do, so that I'm able to experience more. I want my prayers to be effective so that I can grow closer to God and watch Him move in greater ways. I want to do things the right way.


Friday, November 11, 2016

He's all about the Details, by Aaron

We have been going through a series on the Lord’s Prayer at church the past two weeks.  Last week, our pastor focused on Matthew 6 :9 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”.  Hagiazo is the Greek translation of hallowed meaning to set apart as holy.  The rest of the week the Father kept asking me the same question, Aaron am I hallowed to you?  Do you think I am Holy?  Are you in “awe” of Me? I wrestled with this question all week long.  Many times I answered yes; I whole heartedly believe you are Holy, but I knew I was incorrect.  Even though I wanted my answer to be yes, the Holy Spirit helped me realize that I fail each day secondary to my actions and thoughts focusing mostly on my world and minimally on His plans.  Luckily our Father gives us so much grace, 2 Corinthians 12: 9 says “My grace is sufficient for you, My power is made perfect in weakness”.  The only way to surrender fully to the Father is through the Father, not by our own doing. 

This week I was challenged to be still and just be in awe of the Lord.  I work in the medical field as a Physical Therapist.  At night I sometimes look through textbooks or skim articles to refresh my mind because the body is so complex.  As I was reading through one of my anatomy text books last night I just got this overwhelming feeling of how wonderfully and perfectly God created our bodies and that God is all about the details.  He made every body part for a reason, no matter the size.

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life, and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).  When you look at this verse it makes it seem as though creating our body was so effortless.  However, when we look at our anatomy, I think it points us straight to the Creator because of the complexity which is exhibited.  God was reminding me that He is the “author of life” and that Holiness is His name.  He created us because he wanted to share His love with us.  The body just gives us a minute example of how detailed the Lord is, but yet how effortless it is for Him because of his Power and Glory.  God is all about the details.

Bill wrote in the previous post that for more than half his life he believed that the only way for himself to fully serve God was through church ministry.  God is now calling him to the world of academia.  Bill now has to decide whether he will stay in “church ministry” that he knows very well (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing) or to surrender to God’s call leading him to academia.  The decision is simple, but the path is not easy.  Bill has made a decision to “hallow” the Father by surrendering to His will because he knows the plan of the Father is perfect.  The very definition of the Father in scripture is hallowed. The father wants the best for our lives.  He deserves to be hallowed.  Sometimes you just have to be still and know that He is God.  God is all about the details. 

“Our father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Turning 30, by Will

Over the weekend I reached a new milestone in life, I turned 30. Back when I was a teenager 30 was so old, but now that I'm here I'm realizing that even though I'm not as young as I used to be (I've been feeling that way for years now), I'm really not that old. I'm at the age when Jesus began the main stage of His earthly ministry, and I feel that for perhaps the first time in my life I have an actual awareness of wanting to be part of something bigger than myself, and an idea of what God has for my life.

Over the past year I've been through the most trying challenge of my life, and God has used that to refocus, or perhaps for the first time, focus His plan for my life. For more than half my life I've felt that I had to serve God through church ministry. I felt that the church was the only avenue to fully serve God. I pursued this course of action fully. I graduated at the top of my class, had great encouragement and references from my professors, and was able to intern in some fantastic churches. But when I finally got on staff the situation was different. You don't start, typically, in the places with all of the resources. Every church has plenty of need and opportunity, but many of them don't have the willing man power or finances to make the most of them.

When my last full time church position ended a little over four years ago I was frustrated. I had poured myself into this call that I felt God had placed on my life. I had excelled academically. I had been able to meet and learn from some amazing leaders. I had been given an opportunity and tried my best to make something happen, and I failed pretty spectacularly. I began looking for another church position. I had a couple interviews that I turned down, I applied for a job I desperately wanted, but didn't get. I ended up working at an industrial supply warehouse, and going to school preparing for the next church job.

Over the past few years I've really felt God leading me away from full time church ministry, and to be honest, I've been denying the leading of the Spirit because it terrifies me. The church is an area I'm familiar with, and to a point, know how to function within, but in recent months, God has been showing me that His plan for my life, at least for the immediate future, does not lead to a pulpit.

I've felt lead into the world of academia, at the moment, I'm feeling like God is leading me to become a college professor of Biblical Studies. As I've sought counsel on this impression, the feedback I've been given has been overwhelmingly positive. In so many ways this course plays to my spiritual gifting and personality, as well as my hopes and dreams, in a way that church ministry does not.

Now that I'm in my third decade, I've felt my focus shift. I've been listening to a lot of audio books recently, and yesterday I finished The Catcher in the Rye. There was a quote that really stood out to me, "The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." For me, church ministry was dying nobly. It was something I pursued out of a sense of duty, but if I'm honest, it sucked the life out of me. The thought of academia energizes me. In many ways it is a behind the scenes role, training those who will go out and do something, but I'm honestly really excited about the potential of being able to invest in the lives of so many people.

Twice Proverbs says, "There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (14.12, 16.25) I've spent my life trying to serve God in my way, and while it hasn't been a total waste, it hasn't been abundantly fruitful. My pursuit of God's service has brought about a lot of stress, hardship, and brokenness. My immaturity could not set aside what I thought I was supposed to do and listen to what God was trying to lead me. The past year has caused me to surrender a lot. It has caused me to do a lot of listening. The path that I am now embarking upon is not going to be an easy one. There will be years of academic study, even now the thought of all of it is overwhelming me, but I am reminded that what God has called me to, He will make a way for. Proverbs 16.3 says, "Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established."

At 30, perhaps for the first time in my life, I'm committing my works to God. I see time slipping away, and I'm tired of wasting it. I've lived for three decades, and feel that I really have made no impression for the Kingdom, and I don't want to get to the end of this and look back at all the dreams and goals that I never accomplished because I was so focused on how I felt that I had to serve God.

I want my remaining time on this planet to be committed to the Lord.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Let's see where this goes

A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
-Proverbs 18.24

A few years ago I had the idea of doing ministry with some of my closest friends, my brothers, through writing. At the time it was something that I'd get to some day, and for a while that was where the idea ended. It slipped from my mind and I forgot about it completely.

In March of 2015 I was at a first birthday party, and a couple of my brothers were there. One of them mentioned a desire to go camping with a couple guys, and at that moment we decided to make it happen. That August six college friends took a weekend camping trip at a state park in Ohio, and though the location has changed, it's turned into an anual trip. We get togehter for some outdoor adventure, masculine fellowship, and to challenge and encourage each other to become the men God created us to be.

A few weeks ago God brought the idea of a blog back to my mind, the right group of guys was finally together. For the past few weeks we've been sharing ideas and hopes, and it's finally gotten to the point where we need to start doing it and see what happens. What we're attempting is a digital small group. The six of us are spread out, five are around Ohio, one is in Illinois, but we all have the desire to help each other grow closer to God. The past year has brought both joy and hardship to our lives, and we've walked together through it. This blog is us doing life together, sharing things God is teaching us, encouraging each other through the trials, celebrating the blessings, and standing togther in the battles.

You're invited to share in our journey. So as the first post of this blog is written, let's see where this goes...