Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Things We Learn, by Will

This is a good week, I have my girls for the entire week. I have a lot of things planned, a lot of the things they like to do but spread out over a week rather than crammed in to two and a half days. I'm already feeling the relaxed nature of things and loving every minute of it. Being around them is one of my favorite things. Their snuggles when they get tired, their jumping on me in the morning when they are awake, the excitement and joy on their faces when they learn something new and overcome a struggle, and the happiness on their faces from the fun things we do.

I love observing them and noticing the unique things about their personalities. My oldest, Belle, has a very kind and tender heart. She is a natural leader and encourager. She'll randomly tell people that they look beautiful, and is the first one to volunteer to help out. She's smart, she's kind, and she takes charge. I love that about her. My youngest, Cinderella, is fearless and tough. She will try anything and refuses to give up until she overcomes the trial. She's strong (in body, mind and spirit), and yet she has a tender and compassionate side, always wanting to know where her baby is. I love how unique they are, and I can't wait to see how these traits shape their lives.

As I watch my girls, I'm forced to take a look at myself. I'm not naturally kind and outgoing, giving compliments to strangers. I'm not fearless, and there are many times I've played it safe in the past. Where did this come from? Watching my girls it isn't natural, they are both under 5, and the way they live is natural. At 31, the way I live is learned.

John 10.10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." The negative things we learn are from the enemy; he wants to steal courage, kill kindness, and destroy all that is good, true, and beautiful. We're taught to not do dangerous things, one of which is talking to strangers, and that changes the way we live.

Jesus came to change how we live, life to the fullest, full of risk and kindness, taking chances and pouring into others. This is the way I want to live and the way God has called me to live, and I now wear dog tags around my neck as a reminder of who God has called me to be (more on this in a future post). I'm tired of playing it safe, and I don't want to pass that lifestyle on to my girls. It's tough as a dad, especially a dad of girls, but I want them to learn to live by faith, in kindness and courage. I want Belle to be a leader, who heals and encourages the broken; I want Cinderella to be a courageous adventure who takes compassion to the world. Wherever they go, I want them to live in faith, knowing that God is with them, and as their daddy, I want to live in faith, releasing them at the proper time, in America its 18, and trusting God to watch over His girls, since they belong to Him and have been entrusted to me for 18 years to point them to Him.

I want to live fully alive, trusting God, modeling faith, courage, and kindness, so that my girls have an example of a loving father, a godly man, and a fearless warrior for the Kingdom. I want them to learn this lifestyle, so they don't have to unlearn one that has been damaged by the enemy.

Live life to the fullest for the glory of God.


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