Monday, November 7, 2016

Let's see where this goes

A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
-Proverbs 18.24

A few years ago I had the idea of doing ministry with some of my closest friends, my brothers, through writing. At the time it was something that I'd get to some day, and for a while that was where the idea ended. It slipped from my mind and I forgot about it completely.

In March of 2015 I was at a first birthday party, and a couple of my brothers were there. One of them mentioned a desire to go camping with a couple guys, and at that moment we decided to make it happen. That August six college friends took a weekend camping trip at a state park in Ohio, and though the location has changed, it's turned into an anual trip. We get togehter for some outdoor adventure, masculine fellowship, and to challenge and encourage each other to become the men God created us to be.

A few weeks ago God brought the idea of a blog back to my mind, the right group of guys was finally together. For the past few weeks we've been sharing ideas and hopes, and it's finally gotten to the point where we need to start doing it and see what happens. What we're attempting is a digital small group. The six of us are spread out, five are around Ohio, one is in Illinois, but we all have the desire to help each other grow closer to God. The past year has brought both joy and hardship to our lives, and we've walked together through it. This blog is us doing life together, sharing things God is teaching us, encouraging each other through the trials, celebrating the blessings, and standing togther in the battles.

You're invited to share in our journey. So as the first post of this blog is written, let's see where this goes...

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