Friday, November 11, 2016

He's all about the Details, by Aaron

We have been going through a series on the Lord’s Prayer at church the past two weeks.  Last week, our pastor focused on Matthew 6 :9 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”.  Hagiazo is the Greek translation of hallowed meaning to set apart as holy.  The rest of the week the Father kept asking me the same question, Aaron am I hallowed to you?  Do you think I am Holy?  Are you in “awe” of Me? I wrestled with this question all week long.  Many times I answered yes; I whole heartedly believe you are Holy, but I knew I was incorrect.  Even though I wanted my answer to be yes, the Holy Spirit helped me realize that I fail each day secondary to my actions and thoughts focusing mostly on my world and minimally on His plans.  Luckily our Father gives us so much grace, 2 Corinthians 12: 9 says “My grace is sufficient for you, My power is made perfect in weakness”.  The only way to surrender fully to the Father is through the Father, not by our own doing. 

This week I was challenged to be still and just be in awe of the Lord.  I work in the medical field as a Physical Therapist.  At night I sometimes look through textbooks or skim articles to refresh my mind because the body is so complex.  As I was reading through one of my anatomy text books last night I just got this overwhelming feeling of how wonderfully and perfectly God created our bodies and that God is all about the details.  He made every body part for a reason, no matter the size.

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life, and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).  When you look at this verse it makes it seem as though creating our body was so effortless.  However, when we look at our anatomy, I think it points us straight to the Creator because of the complexity which is exhibited.  God was reminding me that He is the “author of life” and that Holiness is His name.  He created us because he wanted to share His love with us.  The body just gives us a minute example of how detailed the Lord is, but yet how effortless it is for Him because of his Power and Glory.  God is all about the details.

Bill wrote in the previous post that for more than half his life he believed that the only way for himself to fully serve God was through church ministry.  God is now calling him to the world of academia.  Bill now has to decide whether he will stay in “church ministry” that he knows very well (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing) or to surrender to God’s call leading him to academia.  The decision is simple, but the path is not easy.  Bill has made a decision to “hallow” the Father by surrendering to His will because he knows the plan of the Father is perfect.  The very definition of the Father in scripture is hallowed. The father wants the best for our lives.  He deserves to be hallowed.  Sometimes you just have to be still and know that He is God.  God is all about the details. 

“Our father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.”

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