Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Pregame: Getting ready for baby #2, by Aaron

So today is the due date of my second son (12/18/17). My wife is currently relaxing at home, with no current activity. We are just playing the waiting game for the next couple of days. Throughout this process, I found out that my wife is probably one of the most organized people I have ever known. Last week my wife and her mother made almost 20 freezer meals for when the baby comes. The baby has a packed bag with multiple clothes, diapers, and blankets. My wife has her own bag that is filled to the brim with multiple necessities. My oldest son has a bag packed, so that when things start moving along he will be ready to head to grandma’s house. The only person without a packed bag is myself. Let’s be honest, I’m perfectly fine with wearing the same pair of sweat pants and a hoody for three days.

The nursery has been finished for the past 3 or 4 weeks, with multiple baby swings and a cozy crib waiting on the baby. We brought the rocking chair over from my oldest son’s room. The current nursery used to be my office, which is now on the bottom level. A couple of my friends helped me move some heavy furniture to the bottom level of my home. My wife did some deep cleaning of the office before we put the nursery furniture in the room. So needless to say we have been pretty busy getting everything ready for our new family member.

The important piece that I feel the Holy Spirit has really spoken to me about is to make sure I am praying for the newborn baby. I started praying for this baby when I first found out we were pregnant, same with my oldest son. Honestly more important than a new crib, rocking chair, cleaning the nursery, baby clothes, or painting the nursery was to prep spiritually for the baby. I mean hardcore spiritual warfare for my son. I’m sure every generation says the same thing that we are saying now, but our next generations (plural) need some spiritual covering from their parents and grandparents to get through the trials and tribulations that are to come in the future.

My prayer for both of my children is that they would be warriors for the Father. I pray that this next generation will not be afraid to stand up to authority on earth, and ask questions such as why are we taking Christ out of Christmas? Why are we trying to take In God We Trust off our coins? Why can’t we say the name of the Lord in school? My prayer is that my boys will not be afraid of what man will do to them, because they know that they will have rewards waiting on them in heaven. My prayer is that they will fight for their heavenly Father. My prayer is that as a father, I will assist in guiding them on a path of righteousness, but only with the help of the Holy Spirit.

So as we pregame for our second son, we ask that all of those that read this post will send a prayer for us as well. Pray for quick healing for my wife and son. I am so excited for this next chapter to start, but I am very nervous as well. Since my first son was born, I have learned many things. Mostly that I thought I was a patient person. I think God was laughing at me, because after my first son was born, I found my level of patience is basically nothing. That is another post for another day. I plan to write a postgame blog as well so stay tuned. If you are a parent, I just want to encourage you to keep praying for your children. Keep them covered spiritually, because each day the devil is whispering in our children’s ears. The devil hates everyone and everything, especially those that love the heavenly Father. We have to go to war for our kids and for our Father in heaven. So keep on fighting for our kids.
God bless!

1 comment:

  1. You're a great dad brother, glad to be walking this journey with you. -Will
