Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Parables of Life, by Jacob

"You need to go not for the destination or for the mileage on your odometer, but for what God shows you along the way." - Seth Barnes

Journeys are beautiful things (at least I think so)! They are beautiful, however, not because they are easy, but because they are good! A journey means a lot of things: change, difficulties, leaving, finding, both mountains and valleys. Truthfully though, on a deeper more fundamental level, a journey means growth; it means becoming something more than you are today, something you hope to hope to grow into. And that is beautiful! That is worth it in the end, right?

We are all in the midst of a journey. For some it might be a huge transition from high school to college, a physical move even. For others that means transitioning into a long-term job on your way out of college, or maybe finding one, yikes! Or it could be a little simpler like you are looking for a newer car to replace your old, worn out one. You know, the one that drives fairly well, but every time it rains the front floorboards get soaked, the engine light has been on for years now and still you're not sure why, and you're tired of dealing with that one window that gets stuck halfway down in the winter. You are on a journey for a new car.

Whatever it is, big or small, a journey is a part of life!

I have found my life over the past 2 years to be a journey of both epic proportions and complete mundane-ness all at the same time! After a number of years being single, I started dating a girl, she became my wife, and we are expecting our first child. This all took place in 2 years. I have also had significant job changes in those two years, among a few other things, and yet, the mundane-ness easily takes over all perspective leaving me feeling lost sometimes. Its crazy how such significant changes can still leave me lacking focus and losing perspective!

But, in all of this God remains faithful!

I met my wife in a coffeeshop. She was working for Starbucks at the time. When we started dating, her still working for Starbucks, I was managing a coffeeshop. We were sitting in a coffeeshop early on in our dating, and she was telling me one of her dreams was to open a coffeeshop. I roast coffee as a hobby, and I have worked in three different coffeeshops. Suffice it to say, we both have our own history (and love!) of coffee.

See, God does not lose sight of our dreams even when we do!

On a whim, we went down to visit Adventures in Missions (AIM) in Gainesville, Georgia. She was planning and fundraising for an 11 month missions trip with them called the World Race when we met, one of the things that attracted me to her. So, because we got married first, we went down to pursue other options for missions, but we left with more questions than answers.

Finally deciding on going to one of their longterm bases for a few months, I called up our contact in the organization and he proceeded to ask a few questions about when and where. I told him towards the end of this year and either Cambodia or India. He then told me of an opportunity...the longterm base leader in Cambodia had recently asked if he could send a couple of people to help start a coffeeshop at their base - which is a hostel (this helps them better serve those who stay and have the opportunity to share the Gospel with them).


Um, Yes!!!

And so we are going. And yes, my wife is also pregnant. But we are choosing to respond to the call of God and the open door He put in front of us despite the complications. And we have found out that their is great medical care in both Cambodia and especially Thailand if we need it! God has taken care of all of the details, and when we start to get a little nervous, he takes care of those issues as well.

God loves journeys! Whether small or big, whether mundane or epic, God takes us all on our journey in this life. It could include actually moving somewhere else, but it can also include moving outside your door when you feel like staying inside. It could include moving your chair beside a window to spend time with Him instead of moving it in front of the tv that particular night. It could include moving to ask your boss for a raise instead of staying at the same place. Whatever it is, it includes risk, because their is no real growth without risk and some discomfort.

This is our journey right now. This is where my wife, our little one we have yet to meet, and I am at on our journey. In all of the seeming mundaneness, God includes a little excitement and adventure because we need it, we were born for it.

What does your journey look like?
How is God bringing adventures both big or small into your life?
Every journey is a place of encounter and partnership with Jesus - it is so worth celebrating!

P.S. Consider partnering with us on our journey. We need your prayers in this step. We also need support financially. All we have to purchase is plane tickets. If you have airline miles and would love to donate, purchase our tickets, or support us in any amount financially would help! And thank you:) We are excited about serving on the mission field.

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