Thursday, August 22, 2019

Burnout, by Will

So it's been a while... life has been really hectic and my mind has been so swamped with everything else going on that I've had very little time to process anything else. I've missed writing, it's so good for my soul, but sadly it's one of the first things to go. I find that when I'm not taking the time to process anything I have very little worth saying, and then when I do write it just feels forced. I hate when things feel forced, and so I made the decision not to write. I've missed it, and sadly I'm not in a place to start writing with any frequency again just yet, but that day should be coming before too long.

I've experienced burnout several times in my life. It's happened to me in ministry, I've been on a seven year break from professional ministry and a four year break from consistent volunteer ministry. I've experienced it in relationships, that would take too long to dive into so I'll leave it as a blanket statement. I experienced it with school, I graduated with my second master's degree in May, and now grad school is officially over, but I haven't completely ruled out more schooling yet. I've experienced it with trials and hardships, sometimes they just don't seem to end. I don't mean to sound like a victim. I've been through a lot in the past decade, but there are some out there who have had it way worse in the past week than I have in the past ten years, and that is something I've tried to keep in mind as I try and process everything.

I don't really have anything deep or insightful right now. I started this post back in April, and so much has happened since then. There are things I want to share but need to process more first. There are things that need to come to conclusion, and there are new beginnings happening. And as I try to write the next sentence my mind is just blank.

I'll end by asking for your prayers; next week is going to be draining for me, and some big decisions will be made. Please be in prayer for strength, endurance, and a good outcome, more to come afterwards.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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