Monday, August 21, 2017

The Need for Healing, by Will

Let's start this out by owning a truth, everyone of us is wounded. We live in a fallen world, full of fallen people. Some intentionally wound others out of selfishness and malice. Others do it unintentionally, simply out of the fact that they are imperfect humans. No one makes it through this life without wounds, but there are those who make it through with no scars. Scars are a sign of healing, and sadly so many people are the walking wounded.

I personally lived like that for years, walking wounded. For me, the wound was shameful. I was supposed to be tough, invincible, that's what men are right? For me, I tried to cover the wound up, hoping that if I put enough bandages on it, it would take care of itself. Supposedly time heals all wounds right? While the body is an amazing thing, capable of mending itself, not all wounds can simply be left alone. Sometimes wounds are serious, and without the active intervention of a doctor, they never heal; they get worse and worse until they infect the whole body, and consume the life of the bearer.

Wounds can kill if they are not healed.

But wounds pose a threat to more than just the bearer. A wounded animal is the most dangerous kind. A lion is already dangerous, but wound that lion, and it becomes even more of a nightmare. When an animal is hurt, its only concern is to prevent itself from experiencing more pain. It becomes aggressive to protect itself, never letting anything or anyone close enough to it, even if they are just trying to help. Wounds can cause us to become guarded, pushing others away, and damaging relationships from those closest to us. Or they can even prevent us from having those closest to us to begin with.

Wounds can isolate us if they are not healed.

However, wounds can go even farther in their external impact. I have found that we most often wound others in our area of wounding. When we feel pain, part of us wants others to feel that same pain. When we feel pain, it can lead to resentment to those associated with our wounding. When we feel pain, we act on it, and seek to hurt others in the places we hurt.

Wounds can be repeated if they are not healed.

This has been my experience. My wounds have brought about death to my passions and dreams. My wounds, when seen as a source of shame, have caused me to keep others at arms length, not wanting to reveal them. My wounds have caused me to seek to hurt others in the same ways that I have been hurt.

We weren't designed to live with wounds, they are not of God. Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10.10) The wounds we have are from Satan, even those given unintentionally by those who feel they are acting for what is right. The thief comes to steel our passion, kill our relationships, and destroy those around us. That is why he seeks to wound us, and that is why he seeks to keep us form seeking healing. But this is not what Jesus intended. Jesus never intended for there to be wounds, and before the fall, there weren't any. But because of the fall Jesus came and was wounded, and because of His wounding, our wounds are able to become scars, just as His have.

When we seek healing, we are pulling the three inch band-aid off of the twelve inch gash. We present it to Christ, and allow Him to get to work. It will involve some pain and discomfort, He has to go in and cut away the dead skin so it doesn't turn to gangrene, and unfortunately there is no local anesthetic for this healing work, but this is the only way to real healing. When he gets done cutting out all of the dead flesh, He begins stitching it up from the inside out, and once the wound has fully healed, He removes the stitches. What is left is a scar, a mark of a previous wound that has been healed. A story of the Healer's work. A story of pain that has been dealt with.

My own life has been on a journey of healing. It took quite a bit to get me to look under the blood soaked bandage, and even more to get me to peel it off. The process of cutting out the dead flesh has involved looking deeply at specific events, specific people, and working through the stories of what took place, and what hurt and why. The stitching has involved action, writing letters and sending them, face to face conversations when possible, traveling to significant places, I just took a trip this past weekend. Each of these stitches has been freeing, and healing, one step closer to the scar.

I'm not yet to the point of the stitches being removed yet, I'm not even done being stitched up if I'm honest, but I'm moving in that direction. When it's done I'll have a beautiful scar, with an amazing story of the life giving power of God's healing restoration. We all need healing, because all of us are wounded. The wounds we receive are bad, and bad things don't go away. The only cure is found in Christ. It is painful and it takes time. Writing out these narratives has been hard, spending hours in the car to travel to places from the past has given me some exhausting weekends, but the outcome has been worth it.

We all need healing, and the Healer is ready and willing to get to work. It will be painful, but it will result in life abundantly. This is the work that Christ came to do, turn ugly, destructive, wounds into beautiful, life giving scars, but He will not operate without your permission. Life is available in the healer if you are willing to let Him near your wound, and it is only through His healing that we can ever receive life abundantly.


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