Sunday, January 13, 2019

BELLS, by Ryan

I've never been one to really make New Year's Resolutions - mostly due to the fact that I would set some unattainable or lofty goal (with good intentions to better myself) that I wouldn't end up being able to accomplish. I recently finished reading a book called Surprise the World! by Michael Frost. Frost talks about five habits of highly missional people that are practical and simple to incorporate in to our every day lives. The English word mission comes from the Latin word missio which means to send, be ejected, or pushed out. The book is a fairly quick read and I recommend reading, but I wanted to summarize the habits the writer presents:

1. Bless three people each week (at least one who is not a member of the church you attend). This looks like encouraging or giving words of affirmation to someone else, an act of kindness, and/or giving a gift.

2. Eat with three people each week (at least one who is not a member of the church you attend). Most of us eat 27 meals in a given week and Frost discusses how it's natural to build friendships and relationships at the table.

3. Listen to the Holy Spirit for a period of time each week. The author suggests to set a designated time each week and eliminate distractions. Quiet yourself and meditate on the Spirit.

4. Learn by spending a period of time during each week by studying the life of Jesus. The book says, "We need to know Him (Jesus) if we're going to share him as the reason for the hope we have."

5. Sent to alert others of God's reign. The author recommends journaling either daily or weekly how you have been missional. "It will be about helping you to sort through the myriad everyday ways you operate as God's ambassador in your world," Frost says.

Frost also writes in the book that fear and laziness are mission killers. Fear of persecution, standing out, offending, or getting questions we may not have the answer to; laziness referring to the inner voice that prompts us not to bother or reach out to another person.

Research suggests that it takes approximately 3 months for a new habit to be formed. My goal for 2019 and beyond is to implement these 5 habits to spread the love of Jesus.


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